Sunday, January 13, 2019

One week - Day 7

Well, it’s been a full week (plus 2) since this miracle morning adventure began.  I did miss the 2nd day, so now I'm not sure how to count them...  But I hadn't really mentally committed to it yet... So I don't feel bad about it.  Now I AM committed to do the full 30 day challenge, so I think I'll count my official start date as a week ago and I will say I'm on Day 7

Let me start by jumping back.  I realize I never went back and filled in the missing piece that I couldn’t remember on that first day.  I’ve now learned the acronym to help me keep them all in my head.  They are the morning life S.A.V.E.R.S.

S - silence  (prayer, meditation, silence)
A - affirmations  (I’ve written 3 so far, for different aspects of my life)
V - visualize (i visualize my days events and how I want them to look and happen)
E - exercise (still haven’t fully implemented this facet yet)
R - read (this is my personal scripture study time)
S - scribe  (write/journal) 

I am also adding 10 minutes of duolingo Spanish lessons into my morning routine.  I set a goal last year to learn Spanish, and I did well for 9 months, but then in September I let myself get “too busy”  (more like too overwhelmed and depressed) and I stopped.  I still do want to learn to speak spanish, so I will just add that into MY miracle morning.  After all, that is what the author of the book did to begin with.  He picked the 6 things that he felt would make the most impact on his own personal improvement.

Review of how it’s going.  I think it is a good thing for me. Mornings are still a challenge.  (Didn’t get up on time this morning for example… ) but overall I have felt better about myself.  I have had way more productive days.  Yes, some afternoons I am tried and take a nap - but I was doing that before - and WASN’T getting up early and accomplishing the good things.  And I am still confident that my energy and stamina will increase as I get better at doing the 10 minutes of exercise EVERYDAY (instead of just my workouts on the “own it” mornings)  and really start embracing my health affirmation - which includes mindful eating and putting good foods into my body.

Speaking of affirmations - I'll post what I have so far.  This author teaches that affirmations are things that should always be in a flexible state.  We change them as our goals and dreams and abilities change so that they are always current and always filled with passion for what we truly desire.  I still plan to create affirmations for other facets of my life, but the thoughts I've had about them haven't felt right yet...  So these are my CURRENT personal affirmations:

Life:  “Everyday I am making the choices that bring me closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ.  With each choice, I am becoming more and more my best self - the person I was sent here to become.”

Physical: “I am blessed with an amazing physical body. I choose to honor my body by being mindful about the foods I eat and by getting movement and exercise each day. As I choose to keep my physical body healthy and strong, it supports me in all areas of my life.  I have the energy and physical ability to be my best self and to accomplish the things I came to Earth to accomplish.”


Spiritual:  I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father.  He loves me, and I love him.  I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places.  I speak to my Father daily in prayer and I know that he is aware of me and that He has a plan for my happiness.  As I trust in God’s plan for me and center my life on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ, I feel PEACE in ALL THINGS and I have JOY in my journey.


Because I split my journaling  into two times yesterday, I pretty much already wrote about what I did…  In the evening we had a family movie night, and watched National Treasure 2.  We’d all seen it before, but it’s a fun one.

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