Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm still here

Hi all, sorry it's been so long. I'm afraid I've gone into another little 'slump.' Sometimes I think I need to be on some kind of medication or something. I just really can't control my moods sometimes. I will be going along fine, then whamo! all of the sudden I feel like I'm the worst mom, worst wife, failing at everything in life, can't motivate myself to do anything, house falls apart, etc...

For a time (pre-children) I was using the herb St. Johns Wort, and I really felt like it helped me, but it has abortive qualities so I stopped taking it once we decided to start our family. I just keep telling myself that this is all necessary, you know the "opposition in all things" kind of thing. I can't feel joy and happiness if I don't experience the sorrow and all that. Call me crazy, but I think I'd like to volunteer for the "joy and happiness only" club. I do have faith that my Heavenly Father knows what He's doing and that there will come a day when I will understand why things need to be the way they are, but some days it is a little harder to hang on to that faith and hope.

I'm going to try to throw myself into getting some good work done today. That usually helps me get going uphill again...

Later -


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Hey babe. I really feel like things like this are nutritional. That we are missing something. The hard thing is finding out what!

I felt that way and started to take a liquid iron suppliment. OH MY GOSH! It was a whole new world!

I was not tired anymore which had contributed to all the other crap I felt. When I am tired, well, you know.

I wish I could offer more. I would really study this one out to see if you can fix it without "drugs" ya know. But my prayers are with you darling.

Harmony said...

Hey Jeri, it happens to the best of us occasionally, but if becomes an extended or ongoing thing please, please!, PLEASE don't feel like you just have to suffer through it. I believe in a cocktail approach, if you will--counseling, antidepressants, bibliotherapy, nutrition, exercise, etc. Sometimes one or more, sometimes all. Find the combination that works for you, because while adversity is necessary in this life, misery is not!

By the way, Mercy says hi!