Thursday, April 5, 2007

I think I'm more Daffodil

I went back and re-took the test changing the 2 or 3 answers that I really could go either way on, and this was the response I got. (It wasn't so much a matter of being honest - I could honestly answer either way) I think the daffodil description may be a bit closer to the "real" flower me. In fact, I read both flower descriptions to Tim, and he agreed that he thought I was a bit more daffodil'ish. Maybe I just want to be a daffodil because it is a spring flower that I think looks so cheery, friendly, and happy.

You Are a Daffodil
"You have a sunny disposition and are normally one of the first to show up for the party. You don't need too much attention from the host once you get there as you are more than capable of making yourself seen and heard."

A a side note - Tim took the test, (only because I wanted him to) and while he had trouble with a few questions that were aimed more to women, he came out as a daisy - sweet, kind, and thoughtful. It fit him perfectly.

Today my goal is to have a "good wife day" and "good mommy day". (yesterday was quite the opposite) So far so good; but now my computer time is up and I need to get crackin' on my job list.

Charlotte - it was nice to think I was like you (a snapdragon) for a little while... Man - I'm realizing how silly this is that I've spent so much time and thought into "what flower I am." I'm a human, for crying out loud! Oh well - we gotta have some fun and silliness in our lives right? Speaking of Daffodils, mine are in need of being deadheaded - I think I'll put that on my list of things to get done today. Later...


Charlotte said...

Well, now I don't know--I think I might rather be a daffodil myself. "Mischeif is my middle name"? I wonder if I was feeling particularly spunky when I took the test.

(of course, having the first name of "friend" isn't bad.)

As for you--I think the daffodil description fits you quite well.

Jeri said...

I agree. I think you also have quite the daffodil personality. (as in cheerful, and can hold your own at any party or an situation for that matter...(not to mention that most daff's are YELLOW)

Maybe you and I are hybrids - we could call ourselves "snapodils" or maybe "daffodragons" Whadya think???