Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Not much to say...

I don't really have much of anything to say today, but I want to post something, so here goes a not very exciting weekend report.

Easter weekend went well. Tim was gone Friday night on a scout campout. I never sleep well when he's gone. This time I had a strange dream (one of many in a long sleepless night) in which I came home to find that I had left the garage door open and the house was filled with people ransacking the place. They all ran away when I came in, and I tried to call 911 but the operator kept putting me on hold.

Saturday was filled with 'weekend' projects. I built a new rabbit run for Aaron's rabbit, Jack. (He (the rabbit) was SO stinky, I had to get him outside!) I did more planting and gardening. Did a bit of tree and rose pruning. (I really don't 'get' pruning roses, so I just hack them down pretty brutally then wish them luck recuperating.) We had a little hot dog roast in our backyard for the kids - they loved that.

Sunday we did a little hunting for candy filled eggs around the house (it was raining outside) and went to church where all the sugared up kids were WILD. It was one of the noisiest sacrament meetings I can remember, and with our YOUNG ward (over 90 kids between age of 3-12, and like 50 + newborn -3 (we have 4 nursery classes)) it's usually pretty noisy, so that's saying something. I am the music chorister in Primary, and it was a nightmare trying to get and keep their attention. WILD WILD WILD! I was way ready for a nap by the time we got home. Instead of napping, we went to visit my grandparents. My Grandpa is 3 months away from celebrating his 90th birthday. He and Gram still live independently at home, but as I see how frail they are getting, I wonder how much longer they will be able to do this. We sang a few Easter songs for them, then just visited. It was nice. I feel badly that I don't get over there more often. I know that after they are gone I am going to wish that I had spent more time there - letting my kids get to know their "great-grandparents." It's just hard, because their house is definitely not child proof, and grandpa's hearing is not good, so he can't hear anything the kids try to tell him, and I usually have a headache after being there from talking so loud... I know, excuses...excuses....

It is a cold and drizzly day at my house today. I am going to try to get some housecleaning done while I watch my friend's little boy. (She had her gall bladder removed yesterday and needs some R&R.) I'm not exactly sure that cleaning and babysitting are really very compatible, but we'll see what we can get done.


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I love Easter weekend. Sounds like yours was pretty exciting!

Thanks for the emails! I can't wait to see you!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I had to cut my last comment short because of time but wanted to add something more.

What the crap is up with 911? Hello!!!??? So what happened with that? How did they get in? I am floored! That would scare me to death. I think you should move up here by me!

Jeri said...

It was a DREAM! (but it did scare me. I woke up in a panic.) I always have bizarre dreams and get nervous when Tim is gone on Scout trips... I lie in bed planning exactly what I will do in every possible "bad guy" situation... Suffice it to say I have a very active imagination - although it really can't compare with Charlotte's:)
My only consolation is that when Tim was set apart, he was blessed that his family would be watched over while he was doing his calling, and that he "would know if he was needed at home." -

Harmony said...

Hi Jeri! I think Mercy would be surprised to know that I am in touch with you. Yes, we are moving back to Utah Valley this summer. We've already been in touch with one real estate agent that someone recommended to us, but we'll keep Tim in mind when we get down to house-hunting. Is he a full-time realtor, or is it just a side thing? I think I may be even more interested in borrowing your gardening expertise after we find a place to live. I've always wanted to have a green thumb, but I guess I didn't inherit that gene. It's gonna take some work to get it that way. Do you have three boys? My four are ages 8, 6, 3, and 5 mos. Maybe we'll have to get them together.

Harmony said...

P.S. If you see Charlotte this weekend, please gie her a hug for me!

Charlotte said...

I'd resent the comment about you not having an imagination that can compare with my own--if it weren't probably true.

It's a blessing and a curse, these imaginations!

Jeri said...

Charlotte - as I was writing that about imagination, I was invisioning flooding toilets, making your siblings crouch by the steps during a "tornado," frostbite while walking, and many other fun memories. I think you are a riot!