Funny story for today. About one hour before Caleb's concert, he decided it would be fun to fill the tub with snow, then add cold water, and take an ice bath. Oh the screeching and hollering.... Bryan timed him to see how long he could stay in the slushy water. CRAZY KIDS!
Today was much better for me. I didn't feel like biting off the heads of everyone who looked at me. I finished the big project that I signed up to do, and the person it was for appreciated my worked and loved the way I set up the information. That made me feel good.
Tonight was Caleb's Roots Band concert. He didn't have any solos or banjo features, which is, of course, my favorite part... but he did well doing his part. Made for a long night, having to have him at the school for call time at 6:30, then the band concert starting late, which meant the orchestra concert started even later... and Roots band plays at the very end. I was there from 6:30 to 9:30. Luckily I took my computer and finished up that project, and created the "remember to do this" list to hang up for the boys while we are gone. (things like, remember to fee the dog, and bring in the mail, and clean our the litter box. all of those things that just magically get done when mom & dad are home)
I am feeling great about my food today. For teacher appreciate they had soups for the teachers. There was a vegan option, and I ate that. I did not eat any of the desserts, and I did take one of the "daily gifts" - chocolate covered pretzels, but I didn't eat any, I gave them to the boys. It is a good feeling to feel like I am choosing what to eat, instead of my body/cravings being in control of me.
Food Log:
Breakfast - a cinnamon oat pancake with nut butter, bananas, and maple syrup
lunch - Wild rice & veggie soup with a roll and a spinach salad w/blackberries
dinner - leftovers. I had leftover pumpkin black bean enchiladas.
snack - a nut bar and an herbal tea