Monday, June 29, 2009

crazy weekend part 1 - the wedding

Our sweet niece, Jenny, was married in the Salt Lake Temple on Saturday, June 20th. (yes, this is a week late...) It ended up being a bit crazy, since we had lined up someone to watch the kids while we were upstairs for the sealing, and that person had to cancel at the last minute due to sickness. We just went up as planned, and Tim stayed downstairs with the kids and I went up to the sealing.

Jenny looked beautiful. The sealer said some inspiring things that I am hoping will make it into my next "thoughtful Thursday..." It was a beautiful ceremony and we wish Jen and AJ a very happy life together.

Here are some photos:

Tim and the kids took some photos while they were waiting too...


Harmony said...

Love the umbrella picture. So cute!

Adrienne and Ryan Mangus said...

Wow, I haven't been reading blogs for a little while and lots has been happening at your house! Love all the pictures!