Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm back (almost)

Hiya everyone! did ya miss me?

After our week of being unplugged, I had a couple days to clean the house and get packed and everything so we could leave to go on our Disneyland vacation. I didn't blog then, because I didn't want to announce to the world that my house would be vacant for a whole week - ya know what I mean?

Anyway, we are home. We had a great trip, I had a wonderful mothers day yesterday, and I really don't think I will EVER get "caught up" on my blogging, but I will give it a shot. LATER.

Right now I am going to clean up the kitchen, finish filling my new herb garden containers with the soil and get the seeds planted, start a load of laundry, fold the laundry that has been sitting in the dryer since Saturday, change a diaper that smells pretty ripe, send a note of condolence to my sweet brother and sister in law (his mom died yesterday, rather unexpectedly), plan the menu for the week, and vacuum the house. THEN I will sit down and try to catch up a bit on the blogging.

Hope to post again VERY soon!

1 comment:

Adrienne and Ryan Mangus said...

Can't wait to hear about your trip, I'm sure it was fun! Good luck with getting everything done--Super Mom!