I did need to be reminded to be mindful of what I "can afford," and necessity of being honest with myself in regard to my NEEDS and my WANTS; and the reminder to be more generous in caring for those less fortunate than I.
I needed to be reminded to remember the cycle that repeats itself over and over in scriptural as well as the world's historical records - the cycle of righteousness, prosperity, pride, wickedness, then the despair and destruction that follows wickedness.
I needed the reminder that I am taking the temple for granted and not attending it as often as I need to. (and I will be taking OFF my watch the next time I attend...)
I was reminded of the importance of obedience, exact obedience - both to increase my personal faith and to be the "strong Christian" that the Lord needs me to be in these, the last days.
I received some promptings on how to help increase reverence in our primary and the comment that "harshness does not beget reverence; it brings resentment" was a gentle reminder of how I need to be teaching my children -- with patience, love, and proper example; not harshness.
We will be having a Family Home Evening soon on the "6 Destructive D's." I loved how Elder Pearson said that while these are tools of Satan, they are also bad habits. To me that said that while Satan may introduce them as tools to destroy me, I am the one who allowed them to become MY bad habits. Each one leads to the next if not checked. They are: Doubt, Discouragement, Distraction, (lack of) Diligence, Disobedience, and Disbelief.
There were several talks on adversity - the purpose of, learning from, overcoming, etc... Again, these weren't talks I was in desperate need of at this time in my life, but know they are true doctrine and will be ones I will need to review in the future.
All in all, it was a great way to spend the day. I look forward to more spiritual feasting tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow too! I enjoyed conference, but I always love best going over the talks again when the conference Ensign comes out. For some reason I absorb more from reading (maybe because 2 kids aren't sitting on my lap with a precariously perched coloring packet and 900 crayons when I sit down to read the Ensign)
Funny Jeri--you said how you hadn't gotten that much out of it, then you went on to do an awesome job of saying what good there was in it!
I loved the 6 D's too. In particular, I was thinking of my weight loss (first talk too with Elder Hale) and the problems I face with that. I'm totally all about the D's when it comes to that.
Great summary. I hope you enjoyed the rest of conference!
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