I worked pretty hard Monday, but found it super discouraging because by the time Tuesday morning rolled around, I couldn't really see much progress. Hence, I was completed discouraged and LAZY that day. (It didn't help that I had a killer headache that day...) This morning I woke up feeling like a clean house for me was an impossible dream. I had a bunch of stuff scheduled for this morning, and after dragging my feet for about an hour I realized that I needed to take charge. We skipped speech therapy and library story time, I canceled the morning play date, and I spent the morning (and afternoon) working hard!
What was the best part of the day? I had basically picked up all the main rooms that we hang out in, except for the upstairs tv room. (It was just a little more messy than I had energy left for) SO - my kids decided ON THEIR OWN to "surprise" me by cleaning it. They cleaned both Aaron's room and the tv room. And they actually did a good job. I haven't found anything stashed away yet... How sweet is that? (there was one thing that made it slightly less sweet, but I thought it was cute so I'll share. After I appropriately expressed joy, 'surprise', and thrill, they said, "It's only because our cousins are coming. We'll mess it back up when they are gone.") At least they are honest. And hey, right now I'll take any and all the help I can get - and you'd better believe that I'm going to enjoy the clean rooms as long as they last.
A clean house is ALWAYS exciting! Have a fun easter.
Maybe you could "borrow" one or more of the cousins for a month or so?
Or at least until the novelty wears off.
BTW-I love your profile picture! Interestingly, I have a piece of that picture as my profile picture on Facebook. What a fun night that was.
Hurray! I love having a clean house too--no matter how I get there!
Isn't it awesome when our kids do great things without us telling them? No matter the reason (although that's histerical what they said) they knew what to do because YOU taught them well.
I'm having such a hard time getting my house clean lately, because we had sunshine early in the week so we were outside and the house just imploded without me constantly picking up...
OH I totally have to jump on the housecleaning bandwagon.
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