Tuesday, September 14, 2010

an inspiring conference part 2

Here I am, it's 10:30 at night and I am SO ready for bed! Where did my day go???? (i can only tell you that it did NOT all go into mindless computer drivel. :)

I was planning to report on my feelings and prompting from the next talk, the one by Elder Holland, but as I pulled out my notes (yes, I went downstairs to get them...) I saw another note that I jotted down from Sister Beck's talk and I think I'll talk briefly about it. It will be faster - so I can get to bed sooner, and it will serve to record it (aka journal) so I can review when needed.

She quoted some scriptures from 3 Nephi 20, about the Lord saying he will make his people, and he will consecrate His people, (and more stuff along those lines that I didn't write down). Then she said that we can choose to align ourselves with the Lord's house and the Lord's people. This we can do through "prioritization and precision" - NOT "perfection."

It is so easy to get caught up in perfectionism. People who come into my house may never guess that I struggle with this most depressing and paralyzing P word... I certainly don't have a "perfect" house (quite the opposite in fact, pretty much a constant state of CHAOS)... what they may not recognize is that I fall into the category of perfectionism where if I think I don't have the "time," "skills," "means," "desire"...(pick your term) to do it RIGHT, (and PERFECT) I just don't bother doing anything at all. Trust me when I tell you that this is not really a good way to make progress - in anything! The Lord's message to me was to prioritize and put HIM first. Just taking small, imperfect, baby steps... doing those small and simply baby steps with precision - not seeking to be perfect, but seeking instead to be constant and steadfast.

I did pretty well with the computer thing today. Still challenging.


Charlotte said...

You've inspired me to do something about my computer time as well. I still have to have it on all day, since I'm either working at the office or working from home, but yesterday I actually closed the google reader, and only checked it during naptime and after bedtime. Gasp! Even when I did check it, I skipped over most of the blogs that are just for my own entertainment.

I was AMAZED at how much more I got done, and how much better I felt about my day. Thanks Jeri! I don't know that I would have done this if it wasn't for your example.

Harmony said...

I'm so glad that you took notes and that you are blogging about these talks. I was listening closely for what I needed to hear, but wrestling my 3-yr-old instead of writing anything down. :-)