Since Aaron was out of school for fall break last Thursday and Friday, we took advantage of the time and spent a couple hours at the park with my friend Harmony and her boys. That was a lot of fun. I haven't see Harmony for years and years, and it was fun to let our kids meet each other, and fun to chat and catch up on the happening of the past 10 years.
In other news, My brother Mark is the proud daddy of a brand new little boy. His wife Corinne delivered Landon early Sunday morning after a long and grueling 20 hours of labor. (and NO, it wasn't her first - he just really didn't want to leave his comfy cozy womb. He was already almost 2 weeks late, so they told him he had to come anyway)
Pregnancy update - 8 more weeks to go. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow morning, and I'm really hoping that everything is measuring and progressing as it should. I'm a little worried that I'll get in trouble again for not gaining enough weight - which seems ridiculous since I feel like a fat cow, but I understand they are only being concerned about the baby getting enough. The trouble is that nothing sounds good or tastes good at all. I'll sit down to eat and everything is just blah! I'm doing my best to eat anyway, and I'm certainly not losing weight, so hopefully it's good enough. I'll let ya know how it goes.
As I'm sitting here, I know why I haven't posted anything... I really have nothing to post. I spent several hours outside yesterday doing a bit of fall planting. I really enjoy working outside - planting flowers and the like. I love planting spring flowering bulbs and then enjoying the delicious anticipation of watching for them to poke their little green shoots up in spring. Spring is my favorite season, and fall planting is like... I'm not sure how to say it. It's like looking forward to spring, or getting a sneak peak into spring, or something along those lines. At any rate, I had fun. I planted some more tulips, some paperwhites (narcissus), and some iris. I als
I suppose that's enough rambling for today. I have 3 loads of laundry waiting to be folded and I'm still not dressed and ready for the day. I'd better get crackin'
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