Wednesday, October 24, 2007

good news on the baby front...

As you can see by the title of the post, I received good news from the ultrasound today. The baby is measuring at approx. 3 1/2 - 4 lbs, which is a week smaller than average size for my "due date", but nothing to be concerned about at all. Amniotic fluid measured at 12 - 13. (not sure 13 what??? exactly, fluid oz? inches?) "Normal" fluid measurements fall between 10 - 20. So yes, on the lower end of the spectrum, which would account for some of the "smallness," but nothing to be concerned about. Baby looked fine as far as they could tell. The Dr. said that if I continue 6 - 7 more weeks to full term, gaining the typical 1/2 lb. per week, the baby will be in the 7 - 8 lb range at birth. I have to say, I've felt quite calm about this whole thing (except for that first day when my imagination got the better of me), and I really was expecting to hear that I was low on fluid and the baby was a bit smaller than normal but that everything was fine, or something like that - so what did surprise me was the feeling of relief when I heard the news. I wasn't expecting bad news (or at least I don't think I was), yet as I was driving home, I found that several times I felt a huge breathe of relief.

I'm still trying to eat every 2 hours as directed. (that is much harder than it may sound. It's EASY to shovel junk food in your face every couple minutes, but trying to eat a sensible, healthy, "good-for-you-and-the-baby" food item every 2 hours has proven to be quite a challenge for me.) According to my bathroom scale, I've gained like 4 lbs in the last week. I know this is terrible, but I keep thinking," this is just weight I'm going to have to try to LOSE once this baby comes. And we all know that it is MUCH easier to FIND the weight then it is to LOSE it." Oh well - I guess I'll be checking in with Tristi's weight loss challenges as soon as January rolls around.

Other good news - okay, not really "news", but more like happenings that made my day a bit nicer... I worked really hard to get the house cleaned up before my mom came over to watch the kids, and it felt really nice to see the house clean for like 2 whole hours. (My mom is one of those great women who is a super workaholic and she just isn't content doing nothing. I always feel bad when she comes over to babysit and spends the whole time cleaning up my house. She did find the overflowing sock basket and she matched and folded socks - which I am VERY thankful for. Just this morning as I went to look for matching socks for Aaron, Tim said, "have you come to worship with me at the sock basket?") Then on the way home from the Dr. I stopped at the grocery store and on a whim I bought a fresh pineapple that was on sale. I got it home and YUM YUM YUMMY! It was one of the best ones I've ever picked. So so so yummy!

In the category of not so good news, I am having a 'fun' time around our house coping with sick kids. Katrina is dealing with a sore throat that I'm starting to wonder if it's strep, and Bryan has the bugger nose and fussy temperament. Neither one of them is sleeping well, and we all know what that means for the mom involved:(

All in all - life is good.


Harmony said...

Mmmmm, fresh pineapple. That is a healthy treat! Where was it on sale?

Whew! Glad everything is alright with your baby. I'm sure that's a weight off your mind.

Charlotte said...

How nice to have good news.

My roommate (Heidi) used to give me a fresh pineapple for a birthday present. She did it for 2-3 years in a row. I loved, loved, loved it.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the baby news. That's wonderful!

Don't worry about the weightloss right now. Worry about your health and the baby's and worry about losing weight when your baby is safe and sound in your arms.