It was a fun 'educational' activity, and the best part for me is that I didn't have to cook or clean up dinner.
Tim and the kids gave me a couple new maternity shirts and a jumper style maternity dress. The kids made a diorama for me to remind me of our trip this summer to the Redwoods and the beach. (you can see the dead looking piece of tree in the photo - that is to remind me of the redwoods.; and the sand, sand castle, shells, and cup of dirty water are obviously representative of the beach)
Tonight we are going out to dinner - haven't yet decided if we'll make it a "family" celebration, or if we'll call Gran
In regard to my last post, I found it harder than I though to "not worry about it." That first day I decided it would be a good idea to do a bit of research and find out what it "might" be and if there was anything else I should be doing. BAD IDEA! I think I was reading about intrauterine growth restriction (an office name for small babies) resulting in brain hemorrhaging and Cerebral Palsy before I figured out that ignorance was the better route to go. There is nothing I can doing about it if there is something wrong, and worrying about it isn't going to do anything except put more stress on me (consequently putting more stress on the baby.) So, I'm much more grounded now and
The Renaissance Fair looked like a lot of fun and gave me an idea for something I've been mulling over.
As to measuring small -- hang in there and let your doctor worry about stuff like that. You just concentrate on taking care of yourself and the baby. By the way, lots of women do measure small or too large and everything turns out fine.
happy b day darlin!!
i miss you
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