Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm just sayin'...

So, you know how kids are so brutally honest?

I'll admit that I am not the best housekeeper in the world... in fact, I'm pretty far onto the opposite side of the housekeeping spectrum!  As such, I've certainly had my fair share of neighborhood kids announcing to me that I should clean my house because it is messy, and things like that.

Its been happening for years, and I always feel that pang of guilt and that "I'm such a terrible wife and mother" internal response.  

So - it happened again last week, little neighborhood girl makes a comment - which is kinda funny cause I've actually been doing BETTER at the whole "trying to keep the house picked up" thing - and I start to feel badly.  Then I had the thought:

"My house can't be all that bad a place to be, 'cause they all keep coming back, and they never seem to want to go home to their own 'clean'  houses..."
Not to mention that fact that

"...of course it's easier for their mom's to keep their houses clean - they are always playing (and making messes) over here!"

Case in point - I just took inventory on my kids, and in addition to my own 4 kids - there are 8 other kids playing at my house right now. That's 12 kids that want drinks (count 'em, that's 12 different cups to wash), 12 kids that get hungry and want snacks, drop wrappers on the floor, play with toys and spread them throughout the house, run in and out of the house tracking in sand, dirt, leaves, and who knows what all else...

So maybe my house isn't the cleanest (and I know I can and should do better, but that isn't the point of this rambling post)  -
but the truth of the matter is... the kids sure seem to enjoy coming here - and they keep coming back, so I'm just saying - I can't be all that bad!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Hmmm. I've often thought that I want my house to be the house that my kids and their friends want to play/hang out at. I've imagined that I need to have the biggest playroom, coolest toys, best video games, etc. But maybe all I need is drinks and snacks and a blind eye to the mess! Love ya Jeri!