Saturday, August 22, 2009

I don't know what's going on with me right now (hormones maybe??), but I am NOT feeling myself. Granted, it has been a crazy couple of weeks, with scout camp, camping, school starting, illnesses, etc... but I feel like I am falling apart. I'm thinking they need to lock me away in a padded room for a while...

Every little thing sets me flying off the handle. Typically, I am not easily offended. The past few days I take everything personally and EVERYTHING anyone says or does sets me off. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!

I feel like I just want to pull my head into my (proverbial) shell and hide out for a while. (unfortunately, life doesn't cooperate with that - each time I pull in - LIFE (kids, pets, housework, laundry, callings, neighbors, school, etc...) starts banging on the shell.

I'm hoping this passes soon!


Karlene said...

I have times like that. More than I like to admit. I take some time to regroup, don't answer the phone, and just do whatever I want for a couple of days (easier to do with older children).

I also usually get on some herbal remedy for depression or energy because usually I've become run down when I feel that way.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Harmony said...

Hmmm...sounds like we need another movie and ice cream night. :-) Hang in there! This happens to the best of us.