Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Missed me???

Holy smokes! I just saw that it's been 12 days since my last post! Where does the time go????

I feel like I'm so busy, yet it seems to be "busy doing a whole lot of nothing." This post will be a hodge-podge of stuff, just in a quick effort to update and reconnect...

Aaron's baptism - Aaron was baptized on August 2nd. It was very nice. Lots of family and friends were able to be there. Aaron loved being baptized and confirmed a member of the church, and he especially loved being the center of attention.

Olympics - I'M LOVING IT!!! I am really tired because I just have to stay up and see them. Last night I was up until midnight, because I HAD to watch the finals in the mens team gymnastics. (tonight I will be up watching the womens team gymnastics) That men's team... I am SO PROUD of them! They did a great job. All of them are first time Olympians, with two of them being last minute alternates filling in for the team "stars."
and swimming... the men taking the gold in the 400 relay. OH MAN!!! what a race. I still get excited just thinking about it. what a thrill to see them win that race.
For FHE last night - can you guess what the lesson was? It was an Olympic theme of course. Tim talked about how the athletes have to focus and work hard, even when they are tired and frustrated and might feel like it is too hard. They just have to practice and practice and practice. Then he talked about how we have to practice and work hard to accomplish things in our own lives. we each set goals for things we want to "practice."

End of Summer - I can't believe that school starts next Monday. Aaron is totally not ready to go back to school. I finally got Aaron's school clothes ordered. Hope they get here in time. I still haven't decided about Katrina's preschool. (I am the master of procrastination.)

Laura's visit - my sister and her family came down from Montana last week. It was so great to see them again. Katrina was so cute playing with her cousin Adam. She cried every time they had to say good by to each other. We really miss having them closer, but I know they are where they are supposed to be right now, and they are a great influence and needed family in their small branch up there.

Caleb - Where oh where has my baby boy gone??? Did I ever post that Caleb update? I don't think I did. Oh well. Caleb has been scooching around for a long while now, and the past 2- 3 weeks he's got the crawling on hands and knees thing going. His new thing (past 2 weeks, is pulling himself up to standing. Last night I was folding laundry (while watching Olympics, of course) and he stood up, using the laundry basket, then pushed it while walking behind. I am NOT ready for him to grow this fast. He is just so fun and sweet and adorable.

Singing in church - our family sang in church yesterday. The Primary presidency was speaking and the topic was the purpose of primary. We sang "teach me to walk in the light." The kids did a great job. Bryan fell asleep about 5 - 10 minutes before we sang, so he missed the singing, which is too bad since I think he is just adorable, but he's not so adorable when he's been woken up, so we let that sleeping dog lie.

Ward Camp out - Last weekend was the annual ward cook out/camp out. We stayed over night and had a good time. The weather looked pretty overcast, and sure enough, it started raining as we drove up, but we put up the tent anyway - in the rain. Wouldn't you know it, about 10 minutes after we got the tents up, it stopped raining. (guess we should have waited to put them up eh?)

Tim working from home - Tim's work is being painted this week and last, so he got permission to telecommute while they are painting. Tim set up a second computer upstairs for me, but then after 2 days his laptop motherboard died, so I didn't have a computer for a couple of days. It's kind of hard to have Tim home but "not home" if you know what I mean. It has been SUPER great having zero commute time!

Depression - doing better. Still tired and dragging a bit (late nights aren't helping, but I figure the Summer Olympics only come around every 4 years right??) but not feeling sad and so down on myself.

Is that enough hodge-podge to catch you back up on my simple life? I need to jump in the shower(that rank smell you keep getting whiff of??? yup, that's me!) and take a stab at the day's "to do" list. Remember that sister I visit teach who said she probably wouldn't tell us if she needed help? (That last day I posted) Well, I'm scheduled to go visit her again today. I know - good for me huh? It's not even the last week of the month yet!

Have a great day!


Harmony said...

I always miss you, but I keep checking back and I'm always glad to catch up with you too. No guilt though. Life is for living, not just for blogging!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

We did an olympic themed FHE too! We are loving the olympics at our house, so much fun!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

love the update! Glad to see things are going better for you guys!

I am having dilemas about Gabe's preschool too. With Bry not working, I feel like we should save that 70 bucks a month. We'll see if we can work something out with the teacher. He went there last year.

We skipped the ward camp out this year but Seth went with his friend.

I am glad school is here again. It will give the kids something to do as I think they are getting bored! I'm not fun I guess! lol

Anyway, I love your comments and we REALLY ought to all get together!

I sure love you, my dear!

Stop and smell the Daisies said...

Hi, Jeri! Did your sis-in-law tell you I ran into her at a wedding reception? My cousin married your brother's friend. Small world!
I'm glad to see you have so much going on! Now I don't feel so bad about being a blogging slacker! Join the club! I'll bring the popcorn and you can bring the cake! LOL!

Shellie said...

How kind of you to wait till I had a moment to catch up on you to write! He hee. Been doing the ward campout, can't believe we're going back to school and olympics and time slipping away thing too!