Monday, September 12, 2011

a "boring" lesson... by Bryan

For Family Home Evening tonight, it was Bryan's turn to teach the lesson.  Tim was helping him put something together and was trying to get him to break away from the "pick a picture from the gospel art kit and tell the scripture story" type of lesson that is becoming the all too familiar fall back around here when it is a kids week to teach.  (which is 4 out of 6 times in this house). 

As they were throwing around ideas - of which Bryan's were pretty random and all over the spectrum, not really connected in any sort of rhyme or reason, and Tim was trying to help him think of a SINGLE topic that our family could actually BENEFIT from, or apply/relate to this week.  Tim reminded Bryan that he and I will be going to the temple this week for ward temple night and that the lesson could be about temples. 

Imagine in your mind, in the most monotone, boring voice EVER, Bryan's reply:

"Mom and dad are going to the temple this week.  THE END.  - That would be a boring lesson!" 

He's right, that would be a pretty boring lesson.  He ended up going with "how to build a stronger family," with some random "stepping stones to get to Jesus," "rocks can be good or bad," ("because you can use them to throw at people which is bad, or you can use them to build walls, which is good, so they are half good half bad.") and having someone read out loud his list of goals from his last father/son interview.

Throw in the other kids with their various attention spans - or lack there-of, their attitudes, some more pleasant than others, and a few dogs who were trying desperately to get us to play fetch and tug of war with the squeaky toy.... and  ONE thing I know for certain, FHE at our house is NOT boring!!!

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