Sunday, January 9, 2011

there were five in the bed....

and the biggest one said - -


That has pretty much been the scene at our house this week.  My bed has been filled all week with sick little bodies, including my own.  I haven't been this sick for a LONG LONG time.  (knock on wood)

(I wanted to have Tim take a picture of all 5 of us lying in bed like a bunch of sick-heads so I could post it here on my blog, but to tell you the truth, it was just too much effort to ask him to do it.  (Yes, I was THAT bad)  Maybe we'll do an re-enactment so I have a photo)

I feel pretty silly admitting this, but for a while now, any time I start feeling the tiniest bit sick, I start popping my immune boosting vitamins (A,C, & E) - and I typically cut off the illness at the pass and just keep plugging along without too much trouble.  This time, however, I was a bit cocky and thought, "oh no, I'll be FINE."


Don't know for sure what exactly I had - but I would guess the flu.  I had the coughing, stuffed sinuses, fevers, aches and pains, and totally weak.  Tuesday was the worst day, and I've been gradually (very very gradually) getting a smidgen stronger every day.

Today I stayed home from church, not because I was SO SO sick that I couldn't go, but because there was NO WAY I'd have the energy level required to fulfill my calling.  Plus Caleb has a goopy nose and I'm pretty sure that the other Sunbeam mom's would prefer that I keep him home.

I have repented of my cockiness and started taking my ACE vitamins a couple days ago (coincidence or not, my recovery started to be marked and noticeable by the 2nd day)  I expect that this week will require a bit slower pace, but I am glad I am on the uphill side of this particular battle.

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Sorry you've been so sick! Take it easy on yourself and hang in there!