Saturday, February 27, 2010

Trouble sleeping? (or just need a laugh..???)

Yesterday I was watching Sesame Street with Bryan and Caleb and this clip of Elmo, being sung a lullaby by actor Ricky Gervais came on. Call me crazy, but I thought this was really FUNNY. Truth be told, the kid's reactions were probably even funnier than the video itself, but you get the idea. Bryan literally could not stop laughing! Even now, they keep remembering it out of the blue and singing (yelling) it. (you'll know which part they sing after you watch it...) We found it on Youtube and pulled it up so Katrina and Aaron could see it. They thought it was funny too, and now I hear all sorts of "singing" downstairs.



Charlotte said...

Oh my heck! This kills me! Thanks!

Harmony said...

My 3-year-old and I loved it!

musicmom said...

We all laughed as well, all though none as hard as Adam, he thought it was hilarious, he watched it three times and laughed harder each time.

Jeri said...

it must be the funniest for the 2-5 age range...

Anonymous said...

Well, thanks a LOT. I know what's going to get sung at our house for the next, oh, forever! LOL