Monday, June 30, 2008

100 push up challenge

Ali is doing the 100 push up challenge and has invited any and all of us to join her. (the whole strength in numbers thing...) Since I have WIMPY WIMPY arms, I decided to take the challenge. (even though it is virtually impossible for me to imagine being able to do 100 consecutive push-ups...) Today was day 1, and I think I must have been crazy to agree to this. (Shhh, listen - I think I can hear Tim laughing at me clear from Salt Lake)
Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted, and feel free to join in!

1 comment:

Stop and smell the Daisies said...

100 consecutive push ups? Are you crazy? I might be able to do 5-10 a day until they add up to 100 (10-20 days)! Yep, I could do 100 that way. lol how does the challenge work?