Tuesday, May 15, 2007

We're home!

Well - I took the trip to Montana. Thursday Trina seemed to be feeling better, so I assumed all was good. I had my packing list all written out and I spent the morning running errands and shopping, but by the time I got home I was totally worn out. I tried taking a nap, but it didn't seem to help much. Aaron had coach pitch practice at 6, and I had a stake RS fireside that I needed to go to at 7, so it was a crazy night. Fireside ended at 8:30, and I hurried out, planning to go home, finish packing, and get to bed by 10:00 so that I would be semi-ready to leave at 3am.

Well - I got home to find all 3 kids still awake (bedtime is 8) and Trina was lying on my bed with a fever of 103 and saying her stomach hurt. WHAT TO DO??? I called my pediatrician's after hours clinic and they said it sounded like strep and to bring her in. The nurse said if it was strep, they could put her on the antibiotic and we should still be able to make the trip. So, at 9:20, Aaron, Katrina, and I were arriving at the doctors office. It WAS strep, so we then went to the all night pharmacy where we sat for about an hour waiting for them to fill the prescription. I got home at 11:40, put the kids to bed, then spent 1/2 hour trying to finish packing. I got in bed after midnight, but had trouble falling asleep because I kept thinking of things I forgot to pack... I woke up at 1:30, worried I had slept through the alarm, then again at 2:45. (alarm was set for 3:15) At 2:50 I gave up on sleeping and got up and packed the van. I got to my parents house at 4:00, helped them finish getting all their stuff ready and loaded, and at 4:20 we started the 11 - 12 hour trip. We had been driving for about 30 minutes when my parents remembered they had forgotten Abraham's birthday present. (a new church suit) We turned around and went back to get it.

I was so tired, I had a headache, I get carsick, and I was dealing with typical morning sickness. Suffice it to say, I threw-up like 7 times between Malad, Idaho and Dillon, Montana. YUCK! I took over driving in Dillon and drove the rest of the way to Cut Bank, and that helped with the car sickness...

All this being true - I was glad we went up. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins, and it was great to be able to visit with my sister and be there for Abraham's baptism. (there were lots of other "funny things" that happened in the course of the trip, but since they are mostly things where "you had to be there," I won't waste any more of your time...

My kids travelled amazingly well. I was so impressed and thankful. My mom told me (after the fact) that she had been dreading making the trip with the kids, certain that it would be an awful 12+ hours of crying and fighting and fussing and noise - she said over and over how surprised she was with how good the kids were. Makes me think we might be able to survive doing it again in July when Laura's baby comes. (I'm still trying to figure out if my going up there would be more of a hindrance or a help...my 3 plus her 4 = 7 kids (plus there will be the new baby) - all of whom are extremely active and busy, are a bit much to handle, feed, and clean up after...) I'm not sure I have it in me to take all of that on. Oh well, I have two months before I have to make any final decisions on that one:)

It's nice to be home. I missed being with Tim on Mother's Day, but overall, it was a good trip.


Charlotte said...


And you don't think you are super-woman?

Amazing. Simply Amazing.

Harmony said...

You are a trooper!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Man! You have guts! I used to frequently go to Oregon to visit family and also to California. Both, at least 12 hour trips.

We would drive at night but it was still long and the two times I went pregnant, I swore "never again!"

How soon we forget. I am so glad it went well for you darlin.

Lets set up a date to get together K?
How is June for you?