Wednesday, May 9, 2007

adventures of motherhood

Nothing incredibly new here. I'm still exhausted and feeling nauseous, and to add even more fun to my life, Katrina got sick yesterday. 102.7 fever and vomiting. Loads of fun. Last night I kept Trina on the floor in my room to hopefully prevent her from sharing even more germs with Aaron (they share a bed - by choice). When Aaron then complained that he couldn't go to sleep because he was too lonely, I explained that I didn't want Trina to throw up in the bed during the middle of the night, so I was keeping her in my room. As a result of the visual imagery, Aaron woke up in the middle of the night screaming - he had had a dream that Trina was throwing up all over him. I also got up twice with Bryan, and once (or twice, it all runs together) with Trina. JOY JOY JOY. As you can guess. I am bit worn out today.

I have been planning to go up to Montana this weekend for my nephew Abraham's baptism. With Trina's sickness, I'm now in limbo. Do I just hope and trust that the other kids will be okay, or do I stay home and plan on dealing with sick children??? I'm already not looking forward to the 11-12 hour drive with 3 young kids, and I can't imagine doing the drive with SICK kids. (Not to mention the fact that I'm sure Laura (my sister) would rather I not bring a van full of germs to her house.) Oh well - I'll wait until tomorrow and then make my final decision. (we're scheduled to leave at like 3:30 in the morning on Friday. Nothin' like leaving it to the last minute, eh?)

Pregnancy note: according to the pregnancy calendar - "Embryo becomes a fetus! Congratulations! All organs necessary to sustain life are formed." Amazing!!!

1 comment:

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

hello darlin'

my advice is to stay home. Put the kids in front of Spongebob, and get into the tub with a good book.

That is what I would do!!

Never travel with sick kids. It's a sure way to go insane!

Hope you feel better soon