Saturday, May 19, 2007


...OR NOT!

I have always thought of myself (and been rather proud of the fact) that I am moderately handy when it comes to fixing things. I really enjoy working with tools and I love feeling capable and semi- independent when it comes to many fix-it projects around the house.

I've had my miss-fix-it confidence rocked this morning.

Tim bought me a new dishwasher yesterday - our former dishwasher was part of a GE recall and was a fire hazard, so we took the opportunity($150 rebate) to get a new one. Being as I installed the last one completely on my own, I was feeling extremely confident that I could totally handle this project. Tim started the install, but I soon (ever so subtly, I'm sure) took over. (It's a good thing I married a patient and humble man, eh?)
Well, here it is Saturday at 11:30, and I finally finished it! Lest you think I'm a total moron - the dishwasher was working fine last night, already run a load, emptied it this morning, and started filling it again. My problem was that I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the kick plate on right. I finally just put it on and decided to call it good. Well, I opened the door, and low and behold, it wouldn't open all the way (at least not without putting some serious pushing and pressure on the kick plate.) I took it all off again, then was trying different angles and such, when suddenly (FINALLY) I noticed some little notches and pegs that just 'might' fit together. they did - and viola' it is done!

(I think I'd better stick to my "stay at home mom' job.)


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

hey! You DID do it in the end! It's more than I would have done! (the benefits of being married to a plumber)

I have become a little lazy when it comes to fix it jobs!

Harmony said...

I'm impressed!