Friday, June 20, 2008

now THAT was COOL!!!

I had the coolest thing happen to me this morning. I got home from my morning walk, and since Caleb was still asleep when I got home, I decided to get out and water the garden (and flowers on the hill) before Tim had to leave for work. I was up near the top of our yard, when all of the sudden this deer appears, walking right in front of me. Then another and another and another!!! (young males I think, since it looked like they were all in the velvet stage with about 4-6 inches of antler growth - but since I'm no expert, I could be wrong about that... I obviously didn't take this photo since I was busy holding perfectly still - not running for the house to get a camera, but this is pretty much what the nubs looked like.)

Anyway, 4 deer walked right in front of me - 20 feet away max! I could take my tape measure up there and measure it for real, since I am so bad with distances, but rest assured - they were CLOSE!!! It was SO totally cool. I just stood real still and watched them walk by. Each one would stop and look at me, trying to decide if it needed to run away, then it would decide I was fine and it would continue on; then the next one would do the same thing. I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!
Here's a glimpse into my nature loving brain - my immediate reaction was that I wanted to run out and get a watering trough for them and a salt lick...


Charlotte said...

All I can say is that you are your mother's daughter.

Not a bad thing to be, actually.

(I predict that it's only a matter of time before you put up Spanish labels on every utensil and fixture in your home.)

Shellie said...

That is so neat. Payback for getting up to walk.

Corinne said...

I would have started running for my life. Ok not really, but after I saw that video of the male deer pummeling that man, I'm a little weary. :-)

Kristi said...

This is so COOL! I grew up in idaho out in the "country", not on a farm or anything, but people always thought we lived out in the boondockies, when it is only 10 minutes out of town. We would see deer all the time. My parents told me they just had a moose in their yard, and a mountain lion up in the tree! talk about discovery channel in your own backyard. anyways...nature...don't ya just love it?

ali cross said...

What a super cool thing - lucky you!

And yeah, I agree with Shellie - that's what you get for being up early to walk! I sleep in and miss all the good early-morning stuff.

musicmom said...

There is something about nature that just makes you have to smile. I love wildlife, well, except maybe the grizzly bear. We see an awfully lot here, and it is fun. I guess we all do take after mom some, although, I really doubt that either of us will end up with spanish labels all over our kitchens. :)

LaChelle said...

Hi Jeri-- I found your blog from Holly's. How cool to see a deer so close up! I guess when your backyard is a mountain, you can expect something like that :)

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