Wednesday, March 6, 2019

or not...?

I’m sitting here, 15 minutes before i need to leave for work, and it is seriously a BATTLE to keep my eyes open.  My watch buzzed me awake at 5, and I promptly fell back asleep.  Finally got up at 6:50, just in time to get dressed and eat breakfast, have family scripture, and drive the kiddos to school.

I guess my question this morning is;  How is it, that I did so well for over 30 days.  Up by 5 am EVERY SINGLE DAY… accomplishing good positive things first thing in the morning, EVERY morning, then suddenly I lose all ability to control myself? It’s just messed up.  You would think that once the habit is established - and once I’ve seen and experienced the “fruits” of that positive habit… that maintaining it would be more natural and…  well…  EASIER!  Instead, I am finding the  opposite to be true - it seems harder than ever for me.  I just don’t get it.

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