Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Houston, we have a problem,"

Sorry no posts for the past week, I seem to have slipped in to a bit of a 'funk.' (aka a slight depression) I'm confident that it will pass soon. In fact, I'm rather annoyed that it even dared creep in on me right in the middle of my "WELCOME SPRING" high. what a BUMMER!

see ya on the flip side -
(another quote from Apollo13, a movie I love, but not in quotations because it might actually be "catch you on the flip side", or something like that. I can't recall absolutely, and I don't want to pull out the movie to find out. I figure it's close enough!)


Unknown said...

What a super slide show, Jeri! Sorry about the blues. Hope they lift soon and return to yellow.

Thanks for your comment on the Ardanea Pendant artwork. Not sure what happened with the # switching. A jinx in the system or something.

Charlotte said...

I hate it when I get the blues during what should otherwise be a happy time.

Of course, come to think of it, I hate it when I get the blues during bleak times as well.

Anyway, hang in there. You just never know what things will transpire to get you home. (Did you catch that reference to Apollo 13? I'm absolutely amazing, don't you think? Yup, Amazing AND humble. Wow.)

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

I love the pictures on your next post! so cute! Also, sorry about your down time. I wonder if you have PMDD. I know I do and I swear I feel so sad and depressed for no reason and then it passes.

Hope you feel better soon babe.

Shellie said...

The quote sounds good to me whether its correct or not. Hoping next week is better. Chalk it up to hormones and don't forget your RDA of chocolate.

Karlene said...

I got the blues after every baby. I was just so dang tired all the time. Dandelion helped. When that wasn't strong enough, I switched to St. John's Wort. (I use Nature's Sunshine products.) If it gets too bad, there's Rx, but I always try the herbal approach first.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Great slide show. I have to second the recommendation for Nature's Sunshine brand herbs, or Dr. Christopher's if you decide to use herbs. They are both pharmaceutical grade.