Sunday, October 2, 2011

General Conference & Cascade Springs

So yesterday between conference sessions we drove up to Cascade Springs.   I knew the leaves had begun turning and I wanted to see them before they all  fell off.  We watched most of the morning session before leaving, and listened to the last talk while we drove.   We had a picnic lunch and hiked around the springs  and pools  until 2:00, then we listened to the first half of the afternoon session  while  we drove home.  (well,  some of us listened -  some  fell asleep.
Promptings FOR ME from Saturday's talks were:
*  Increase my diligence and efforts in Scripture study -  particularly the Book of Mormon,
*  "Have you  inquired of the Lord?" -  seeking answers  from the Lord  to my questions or problems,  instead of other sources. 
*  That happiness comes by living a Christ-like life
*  Encourage my YW to learn about and participate in Family History
*  Look  up - look to God to lift  us.   (look up, cheer up,  God want  me to be  happy)
*** Learn to  master  my TIME.  Set goals, then master the skills to achieve the goal)  Reminder that some distractions need to be turned to  dust (as the seer-stone)

Although I had  mixed  feeling about the outing, since it is harder to focus and listen to the talks while driving, (Tim is the only one who can read/take notes, etc...  while in a moving car.  The rest of us get motion sick.)  it was beautiful and a nice break from the routine.    (and I rationalized that I can always re-listen & re-read)

Here are some pictures:

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