I wasn't sure I wanted to go to the trouble of finding a sitter for the kids, (or the alternative option of taking them all with me...) driving up to Sandy, attending the funeral, and then coming back home to the messy "post-weekend" house. After thinking a bit more on it this morning, I decided that if I could find a sitter, I would go. Two neighbors, both of whom were willing but had other commitments ( at opposite ends of the time I would be gone), were able to split the time and take my kids. (THANKS Heather and Jenny!) I drove up and was SO SO thankful that I did.
Now you will think me terrible, but in order to share with you the lesson I learned today, I have to reveal a DARK side of me. I am judgmental. (and not in a righteous, good, healthy way) not on purpose, I don't mean to be, and I am trying so hard to do better... but there it is, I am. Now Sam and Doris spent a lot of years not active in the church. To LOOK at them, you would likely see someone fairly uneducated and pretty "rough around the edges." Through the friendship of some good home teachers, they came back to church, but the "outward appearance" never really seemed to change all that much.
Neither of them ever served in highly visible church callings. Neither of them had much formal education. Their family never fit the "Mormon mold" in appearance. (example - many of the family there were in jeans and tank tops or t-shirts... with long hair and body tattoos and piercings) AND YET... That chapel was filled to overflowing today, and the look of loss and grief on so many people faces, was clear evidence of the impact that Sam (and Doris) have had in that ward. Stories were shared about how much LOVE Sam had - for everyone. It was shared how even though he never finished school, he was a master at building anything. They talked of how many homes in their ward had been "fixed" by Sam. - and he never wanted the money... just dinner or a hamburger would be great. He loved the temple. He and Doris went to the temple often, and on all of their travels, they tried to find a temple to attend on the way. He was a good, good man!
As I sat there, I was taught once again the message of 1 Samuel 16:7 :
for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
Today I was taught (again) that while I often "look" the part ... I wear my Sunday best, my kids all wear their little Sunday best... I sing in the choir,... I have an educated husband and I feel I can hold my own... I know the "right" answers to gospel questions... I am careful to make sure I have a current temple recommend... None of that means anything if my HEART is not in the right place. It is not enough to LOOK like I'm doing what's right and good - I must be actively DOING my part - giving the Lord my VERY best. On first glance, Sam may not look that he has much to "offer" - but I tell you what - - he gave EVERYTHING he had, and the Lord magnified it 100 fold!
On this day, I express gratitude for Sam and Doris and their example to me of humility, perseverance, hard work, faithfulness, and being finishers! Sam will be missed, but his legacy of love will continue.

Today I was taught (again) that while I often "look" the part ... I wear my Sunday best, my kids all wear their little Sunday best... I sing in the choir,... I have an educated husband and I feel I can hold my own... I know the "right" answers to gospel questions... I am careful to make sure I have a current temple recommend... None of that means anything if my HEART is not in the right place. It is not enough to LOOK like I'm doing what's right and good - I must be actively DOING my part - giving the Lord my VERY best. On first glance, Sam may not look that he has much to "offer" - but I tell you what - - he gave EVERYTHING he had, and the Lord magnified it 100 fold!
On this day, I express gratitude for Sam and Doris and their example to me of humility, perseverance, hard work, faithfulness, and being finishers! Sam will be missed, but his legacy of love will continue.
Thank you, SAM!