Saturday, September 19, 2009

Alien dad, half-alien mom...

Aaron said a funny thing today, just had to write it down before it disappeared from my brain forever...

Background: Tim has had a "good dad" week. He's been trying to play with the kids more, etc... One night we got home from somewhere (don't recall where we were), but Tim was in the kitchen picking up and he had some 'jammin' music on and he started doing a funky dance when the kids saw him. They laughed so hard and joined into the dance fest. It was hilarious to watch, and soon I heard Aaron saying that an Alien had taken over dad.

This morning the alien apparently returned to Tim's body, because Aaron and Tim ended up in a major wrestle fest on my bed. (While I was still in it - by the way!) Aaron was having so much fun that he asked Tim "can we do this every day?"

So - after swim lessons I told the kids I would take them out to Del Taco for lunch - school fundraiser, where a portion of the sales from yesterday and today go to the school - On the way, we made a "deal" that if everyone helped get the house picked up after lunch, we could go on a hike this evening to enjoy the changing leaves. (although to tell you the truth it is just about KILLING me! I just want to stay home tonight, glued to the radio, listening to the BYU/Florida game.) Aaron's vote is to hike to Stewart falls, but we'll have to see if Tim and I feel up to carrying the younger two kids on that hike.

ANYWAY... we're driving to Del Taco and I hear Aaron in the back seat,

"Now we have an Alien dad and a 1/2 alien mom."

I laughed, "only 1/2 alien mom?"

His reply, "Ya, you are taking us out to eat and hiking, but we still have to clean the house first."


Harmony said...

Too funny!

Turns out hiking would have been a much better way to spend the evening than being glued to the radio. :-(

Karlene said...

That's hilarious!

Lisa T. said...

Cute! Those are the kind of things you will treasure the memory of in the future.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

LOL! Kids...